Category: Bancu zilei

Bancu zilei..

Boss (to employee): Experts say that humor on the job relieves tension on this time of down-sizing! Knock, knock. Employee: Who’s there? Boss: Not you anymore.

Bancu zilei..

Doi prieteni se aflau intr-o zi pe terenul de golf . Unul dintre ei tocmai se pregatea sa loveasca, moment in care zareste o lunga procesiune funerara trecand prin apropiere. …

Bancu zilei

The college girl was supposed to write a short story in as few words as possible for her English class and the instructions were that it had to include Religion, …

Bancul zilei..

Un locatar se intalneste in lift cu un om de la care avea 2 cosciuge. – Buna-ziua!La ce etaj urcati? – La etajul 10! – Ce coincidenta…si eu merg tot …

Bancul zilei

O pustoaica intra la frizerie cu tac’su. Sta langa scaunul frizerului, mancand o gogosica, in timp ce tac’su se tunde. Frizerul zambeste la ea si ii spune cu amabilitate: -Draguta, …