Pagina IMDb:
- Notă: Acest review a fost scris inițial pe IMDb în data de 25 septembrie 2019. Nu îl voi mai traduce, îl voi prezenta exact cum a fost scris acolo.
Art needs to transmit, to move, or at least to entertain… this movies doesn’t do none of this.
It bored the hell out of me. I hate all this minimalism, non sensical “art movements”. I’ve read reviews and I understand what the film tried to deliver by the slow pace, lack of dialogue, long scenes, etc. They just exaggerated with everything, making it something that can’t be watched, not to mention understood and worth wasting time. And people compare it with The VVitch?! Not even close to that one. Art needs to transmit, to move, or at least to entertain… this movies doesn’t do none of this. It’s like watching fish in a fish tank.