Recenzie: Big Mouth (2017-)(lb. engleză)

Link IMDb:

  • Notă: Acest review a fost scris inițial pe IMDb în data de 18 septembrie 2020. Nu îl voi mai traduce, îl voi prezenta exact cum a fost scris acolo.

A very straightforward, funny, true and honest portrayal of puberty, with an awesome soundtrack!

A very straightforward, funny, true and honest portrayal of puberty. Those of us who grew up with this kind of animations, or at least the ones I know and seen the show, are extremely happy that this type of comedy didn’t disappear (since people are getting more and more sensible these days).

This is a good reason why Jews are good at what they are doing, especially in cinema. They are brilliant! They are talented yet they are also good at self irony.

The show started great. The first two seasons were amazing, but the third one pushed it a bit too hard, giving an impression that they were out of ideas. What all the seasons and episodes had that was indeed great, at least for my taste, was the music. Starting with Ramones, man! Epic!

I’m really looking forward to the fourth season!