Category: Bancu zilei

Bancul zilei

The father was standing next to the window and he was watching the kids playing football.Suddenly he said to his son which was in wheelchair : -Son why dont you …

Bancul zilei

A man is lying in bed in hospital with an oxygen mask over his mouth, a young student nurse appears to sponge his hands and feet. “Nurse”, he mumbles from …

bancu zilei..

Doua blonde calatoresc cu trenul. In compartiment calatoreste cu ele un barbat mai in varsta, cu barba. Sopteste una la alta: – Uita-te! Asta-i Mircea cel Batran… – Esti proasta. …

Bancu zilei..

Father and little boy are walking and they stop infront of a candyshop. -Daddy buy me some cookies. -Show me which ones and ill buy them. -But daddy i dont …

Bancu zilei

Hey, you wanna hear a story ’bout this boy? He owned a dairy farm, see. And his ol’ Ma, she was kinda sick, you know. And the doctor, he had …