Recenzie: Father The Flame (2018)(lb. engleză)

Link IMDb:

  • Notă: Acest review a fost scris inițial pe IMDb în data de 24 august 2020. Nu îl voi mai traduce, îl voi prezenta exact cum a fost scris acolo.

Good, but not what I expected

There was a lot of talk about this documentary in the pipe community, especially if it will ever be released. People hoped and waited for this to be release so we can all watch it while smoking our pipes. Personally, I find it too melodramatic. Of course, pipe smoking IS an art, a hobby, a pleasure, a way of life, a way of expression and so much. And a lot of it depends on the pipe makers. The names in the movie are really heavy names, real artisans, real artists and craftsmen. But I believe the documentary was way too exaggerated when it came to certain subjects. We waited for this documentary for a long time. Some fellow pipe smokers liked it, some didn’t, but I’m pretty sure we all expected more from this. Honestly, I’ve seen small documentaries about pipe tobacco blending that were better than this one. Maybe we’ll get a full length documentary on pipe tobacco blending as well. 🙂 Hopefully.