Revin cu obisnuita mea urare de 8 Martie… care suna cam asa:
In data de 8 Martie 1914, se sarbatorea pentru prima oara Ziua Internationala A Femeii, cu scopul de a sustine egalitatea intre sexe si drepturile femeii. Multe reprezentante ale sexului frumos au contribuit la oficializarea acestei sarbatori si multe femei au contribuit la emanciparea sexului feminin. Asadar, astazi sarbatorim femeia, locul sau in societate si toate realizarile femeilor in decursul istoriei si in vietile noastre.
Femeile au fost discriminate mii de ani, si totusi, au avut curajul si puterea de a lupta impotriva acestei discriminari, iar asta nu prin puterea formelor frumoase ale corpului, ci prin puterea inteligentei si intelepciunii lor.
Faptul ca femeile au astazi dreptul la vot si multe alte drepturi pe care inainte nu le aveau, nu se datoreaza sanilor sau formelor feline ale trupului, ci datorita unor femei care si-au folosit mintile si curajul pentru a face o schimbare in lume. Nu frumusetea le-a ajutat pe Ioana d’Arc sau Margaret Thatcher sa ramana in istorie. Marie Curie, Amelia Earhart, Tabitha Babbitt, Simone de Beauvoir, Josephine Cochran, Anna Connelly, Stephanie Kwolek, Florence Parpart si multe altele, fara a mentiona numele grele din literatura sau cinematografie, au fost femei care au schimbat lumea.
Eu pe 8 Martie o sa urez o zi frumoasa si o sa ofer complimente numai femeilor care sunt femei in adevaratul sens al cuvantului.
O sa fac o plecaciune de respect in fata femeilor care reprezinta mai mult decat niste forme fizice frumoase. Prin acest gest, vreau sa se inteleaga ca am oferit mai mult decat simbolica floare ci respectul meu. (poate mesajul meu de 8 Martie este cam sec, dar mai bine sec decat lipsit de sinceritate).
“Gods are like men; they are born and they die on a woman’s breast.” – Jules Michelet
EDIT: In completare, voi da un copy paste si la postarea facuta anul trecut pe pagina de Facebook Occult-Study.
March 8 is the day we celebrate the International Women’s Day. In this day we celebrate the place of women in society, the achievements of women over the course of history and their position in our lives.
Women have been discriminated for probably thousands of years, and yet, they still had the power and the courage to fight against this discrimination, and not by the power of their looks and beautiful forms, but by the power of their intelligence and wisdom.
The fact that women have the right to vote and many other rights which they didn’t have before is not due to their breasts or feline forms, but due to certain women who used their minds and courage. It was not beauty that helped Joan of Arc or Margaret Thatcher to remain in history. Marie Curie, Amelia Earhart, Tabitha Babbitt, Simone de Beauvoir, Josephine Cochran, Anna Connelly, Stephanie Kwolek, Florence Parpart and many others, without mentioning heavy names from literature and cinematography, have been women who changed the face of the world.
At the same time, we can also speak of the achievements and position of women in occultism, which although have been many times contested, they exists in our mysterious world and had a important impact. Beginning with the Sibyls and continuing with the famous medieval witches, they remained in the history of the occult as beings extremely open to the supernatural, mysteries and magic.
The famous Catherine de Medici, queen of France between 1547 and 1559 is a figure of great importance in the history of occultism. Besides the fact that she had two personal astrologers and counselors, namely Cosimo Ruggieri and after the famous Nostradamus, she is also presumed to have dabbled in the occult arts. Jean Bodin wrote in his book „De la démonomanie des sorciers” that the queen was involved in cases of witchcraft and had participated in the ritual called Black Mass, Messe Noire. She was also suspected and accused of implication in the spreading of poisonings which devastated France in Italy at that time, and also through the connection of France with Italy, it is said that she had access to magical, astrological and even satanic rituals which were french and italian versions of the Black Mass. It is also said that she wore magical talismans with magical symbols and names of demons and angels such as Asmodei (Asmodeus) and Hagiel (Haniel). A copy of such a talisman made of melted metals at precise astrological hours can be found at Biblioteque Nationale de Paris. This talisman contains kabbalistic formulas which is believed to have been offered by her astrologer, Cosimo Ruggieri.
Another important figure is Catherine Deshayes, also known as La Voisin, who lived between 1640 and 1680. She was a famous witch and fortuneteller. She was also an important figure involved in the abortions and poisonings of those times, procurring poisons and offering magical services in her house on Rue de Beauregard. She was companion to Abbe Guibourg, whom it is said to have practiced the Black Mass for Madame de Montespan, Marquise and mistress of king Louis XIV of France.
For more information about both Catherine de Medici and La Voisin, I recommend you read our articles „The Black Mass” ( and „Medieval Witchcraft” ( ).
Over time, many women have been involved directly or indirectly in witchcraft and magic, occultism and esoterism, some of whom we shall mention: Helena Blavatsky, Dion Fortune, Florence Farr, Alice Bailey, Doreen Valiente, Margaret Murray, Moina Mathers, Leila Waddell, Annie Besant, Frances Yates, Marie Laveau, Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki, Pamela Colman Smith, Rosaleen Norton, up to the influent occultists of today, such as Zeena LaVey (later Zeena Schreck), Blanche Barton, Tabatha Cicero, Stephanie Connolly (S. Connolly), Sorita d’Este, Asenath Mason, Tracy Renee Twyman.