Link IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9358044/?ref_=ur_urv
- Notă: Acest review a fost scris inițial pe IMDb în data de 27 octombrie 2020. Nu îl voi mai traduce, îl voi prezenta exact cum a fost scris acolo.
All in all, it’s a decent documentary. The director did the best possible with this subject and team.
The documentary is good, the subject is great but the protagonists are…. I don’t know, they can be so many things to so many people. As a Satanist (“traditional” as some like to call us) I find this philosophy of The Satanic Temple way too fluffy, and I see them as confused people who are trying to fit in somewhere. They are certainly a new “Church of Satan”, a continuation of LaVey’s modern Satanism, only more political. They did things and/or tried to do things very respectable, and many times they were very good at doing them, with lots of maturity and responsibility, but trying to be too nice or being too nice is getting away from the Satanic philosophy, even away from LaVey’s tradition. They are to satanism like wicca is to witchcraft. And, like with most satanists, the knowledge of the occult or of religion is quite limited. Lucien is definitely a very charming person, he has the position of a leader but too soft for Satanism. Jex is getting closer to what Satanism should be like, and that is “straight in your face, with no pretty things and excuses.” All in all, it’s a decent documentary. The director did the best possible with this subject and team.