Discovering Romania

Daca tot criticam, hai sa facem si ceva constructiv. nu?

Am inceput acum ceva timp sa fac o lista pe Facebook cu video-uri si articole despre Romania pentru prietenii/cunostintele mele din strainatate care-mi tot spuneau ca vor sa viziteze tara.

Pentru a evita incarcarea lenta a paginii, linkurile catre video-uri nu vor aparea sub forma deย  video (embed video) ci vor ramane doar linkurile catre ele. Toate linkurile din acest articol sunt de culoare albastra si puteti da click pe ele pentru a fi directionati catre paginile respective.

Voi posta si aici lista, poate ma puteti ajuta cu mai multe surse, cu conditia ca acestea sa fie in limba Engleza. Lista este in limba Engleza (din motive evidente).

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Iโ€™ve been working on this list for a while and I got to find lots of interesting and good presentations about Romania, but as the list grew larger it became harder to follow, so I decided to split it into parts, as I shall do from now on.
The idea of creating this list came to me when I was talking to some people who told me they want to visit Romania one day, so I decided to make this sort of playlist with videos and articles to help them see what Romania has to offer, and I hope these will be helpful for foreigners interested in visiting.
Honestly, Iโ€™m not a big fan of Romania (although, Iโ€™m Romanian), on the contrary, but when I see the beauties beyond the cement cities I understand that this is truly a remarkable country and I understand why foreigners appreciate it so much.
I hope this list helps you. Whenever I will find something interesting, Iโ€™ll post it here. Also, I ask my Romanian friends to post other links and make this more complete and accurate.
Unfortunately, I can’t tag more than 50 pages in a post, so I couldnโ€™t tag some, but I left a link to them. Also, some creators donโ€™t have Facebook pages or I havenโ€™t found them. Iโ€™m sorry for that.
So, first things first, I think itโ€™s best to start with a general presentation, and Iโ€™ll start with the Wikipedia page to make a general idea about the country.
Hereโ€™s a short video about some things that you should know about Romania as well, and how it contributed to the world. Thank you Fresh til Death!
Another video about the inventions that actually came from Romania. ๐Ÿ™‚
Aaaaand another top 10, made by Top10Archive, some will probably blow your mind. ๐Ÿ™‚
Found this short video of an American’s “reaction” to Romanian lifestyle and found it very interesting and well documented (although, not completely, he made small mistakes). Worth watching! Thank you Lifey app!
I recently came across some videos made by Australian travel vloggers Flying The Nest, exploring Romania. I was amazed by their presentations and I highly, highly recommend you see these videos below.
Another great video, well made, funny and accurate, made by Geography Now. Really hits some important issues (gypsies/roma people, hungarians and romanians etc.) and tells the info as it should. Thanks guys!
Some good travel tips from “Grounded Life Travel” channel (unfortunately I can’t find a Facebook page)
A short but good and honest video about Bucharest, Brasov, Sibiu, Cluj and Timisoara. Thanks WanderTooth!


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If we’re talking about Romanian traditions, ‘ia’ or ‘ie’, also known as the “La Blouse Roumaine / The Romanian Blouse”, which also inspired Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Jean Paul Gaultier, Kenzo and Tom Ford, definitely must be mentioned here. And I’ll do this with some articles from The Romanian Blouse and some videos, some of which, unfortunately, don’t have subtitles.
Various folk dances from Romania are presented here by UNESCO!
Traditional Romanian dance from Transylvania (Maramures) performed by Ariesana-Fiii Motilor folk ensemble from Mihai-Viteazu and Turda.
Romania has got very beautiful winter traditions and customs. Vatra Dornei it’s faimous for it’s Winter Traditions Festival.
Here you can si old romanian traditions like Ursul, Capra, Uraturi de Iarna and so on. Thank you Marian Gorban (and sorry I can’t tag you. I don’t even know what page to link to. please let me know)
‘CHASING SPIRITS – The Romania’s Bear Dancers’
is a photo-documentary project of Mauro De Bettio.
In December โ€˜17 he travelled to the north-eastern regions of Romania to join the villagers of Comฤƒneศ™ti during their anthic winter tradition.
Every winter, between Christmas and New Year, in this place the annual Dance of the Bears takes place, a ritual that symbolizes the death and rebirth of time. Men and women of all ages dress with bear skins and dance to the rhythm of flutes and percussion to drive away evil spirits and welcome the new year. Thank you Mauro De Bettio photography!
Strange figures dressed in grotesque masks and sheepskins parade the streets of Luncavita on Christmas Eve, as the young men of this village in eastern Romania disguise themselves as ” Mochoรฏ “, their mythical ancestors, to chase away evil spirits. Thank you AFP News Agency!
A short but beautiful collage with images of popular romanian winter traditions.

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First of all, I want to stop the myth of Vlad Tepes aka Vlad the Impaler aka Dracula. So Iโ€™ll post two links that should clarify this at a very basic level. Or, at least a part of it. Vlad Tepes was a Christian who defended his land and Christianity… yes, with very violent methods, but then again, violence at that time was pretty common in Europe, torture and stuff like that was all over the place. He is seen as a defender of Christianity and of the Wallachia, but because of his methods and the inspiration of Bram Stoker he became the legend of the vampire Dracula… and Dracula is presented as a count, but Vlad Tepes was a Voivode. Two different things.
Presentation of Vlad Tepes on Wikipedia:
Here’s a video about Vlad Tepes created by Biographics!
IF you’re really interested in vampires from Romania, you must know that the tradition of vampires in Romania is indeed old, but not connected to Vlad Tepes. They are called Strigoi instead of vampires. I’ll post here a few videos about those passionate about the subject. Many thanks to Ingrid Serban, Mr Nobody and TVR Timisoara.
Also, as a bonus, I’ve posted a link to a Romanian movie called Domnisoara Christina, which is a film adapted from Mircea Eliade’s novel of the same name, about a vampire woman named Christina who falls in love with a man. Very good movie in my opinion.
Since we’re still in the mythological, folk and magical traditions of Romania, I’ll also post some links about Ielele and other legends and even “occult” practices. Unfortunately, those about authentic romanian folk magic have not been documented in English, they still lie in old books written by great ethnologists and folklorists and haven’t yet been translated. Thus, I will not post anything that is not related to Romanian tradition (gypsy magic is similar with Romanian folk magic but not the same). Thanks to Curiosity Fever, Samca, Occult-Study, Blurallis and UNESCO.
We have haunted castles, but I think the most special is Iulia Hasdeu Castle in Cรขmpina, built by scholar and writer Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu in the memory of his daugther Iulia Hasdeu who died at the age of 19, and the castle is said to be haunted by her spirit. It has a great story for those interested in spiritism and esotericism. So take a look and this great introduction by Alina Dima!
Also about Iulia Hasdeu’s tragic end and her mysterious continuity is a well written article published by Radiana Piศ› which I really recommend checking out.
Going further with the mysteries from Romania, we must mention Hoia Baciu Forest. This is a world renowned paranormal site, that has been studied for many years and many things have been said about it. A short documentary can be seen here.
Romania may be seen as a dark territory by some, but it isnโ€™t. Well, one thing that really is dark is our humour. We present to you The Merry Cemetery. Thank you Atlas Obscura!

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Now leaving all the creepy stuff behind, Iโ€™ll start presenting the real beauty of Romania, and I will begin with the Sphinx.
Also, there seems to be a full documentary about the Sphinx produced by Oana Raluca Ghiocel in collaboration with Professor Robert M. Schoch. You can find the trailer here
On the land that now is Romania, there were the Dacians (too much history might bore you, so if youโ€™re interested in Dacian history, just go to wikipedia or read somewhere on the internet). But, if you come to Romania, you can visit the Dacian fortresses. Thank you @Razvan Malciu for the presentation!
For those who love nature, Danube Delta is the place you need to be. Thank you Nelstill Video Production & Nelu Gheorghe!
The place where the old traditions haven’t died. Maramureศ™.
Another beautiful country side is presented in this video from the beautiful Campulung Muscel. Thank you Alexander Travelbum!
Here is a presentation of a real life Romanian village home in our times. Many of the urban people feel the need to go back to the country side and escape the agitation of the city, and most of them go visit their parents of grandparents at the countryside.
A short presentation of Voronet Monastery, built by Stephen the Great in 1488, famous for its murals and the unique color used, which is now known as “Voronet Blue”. Thanks
Another beautiful video about Voronet Monastery done by Samuel Magal (S. Magal Productions)
A beautiful collage of traditional art from the old Dacians, Thracians and other ancestors of Romanians, put together by Thraxus Ares along with the music of Romanian composer Ciprian Porumbescu (and conducted by Ion Voicu).
Tartaria Tablets are a very difficult subject to present, thus I will post various sources about them, beginning with the basic Wikipedia page.
A short introduction video to Tartaria Tablets published by March of the Titans (I don’t know the real Facebook page of this channel).
Another short video shows us in more detail why the Tartaria Tablets are so important and controversial, and as the video states in the beginning, “it deals with a controversial subject and the theories expressed are not the only possible interpretation. Viewers are invited to make a judgement based on all available information”. Thanks Matrix World Disclosure
This video is different, because it presents Harald Haarmann, PhD (German linguist and cultural scientist) talking about the Tartaria Tablets found in Romania. Thank you Neokoolt for posting this!

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Now, many people really, really enjoy Romanian food, so Iโ€™ve found a good presentation of some of the main dishes served in traditional restaurants and at the country side. Thank you Food Fun Travel!
Of course, when it comes to Romanian food, there’s so much to try but also so much to learn about its origins that it would take quite some time, so I’ll complete with yet another link to Wikipedia.
Since I mentioned food… Anyone hungry?
One of the most renowned culinary vloggers in the world, amazed by Romanian food.
Mark Wiens has visited Romania, and his videos produced here gathered over one million views. Thank you Migrationology!
A presentation of Romanian beverages can be found here, but I promise I’ll post more about these in detail. But, you really need to try Palincฤƒ, ศšuicฤƒ and Rachiu, but also internationally awarded wines made in Romania.
But I’ll also leave a little teaser with actor Aaron Paul trying some Romanian beverages. ๐Ÿ˜€ Bravo guy to try these ๐Ÿ˜„Thanks for posting this!

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Last and definitely not least, prepare to party hard in the Old Center of Bucharest. (half of the bars and clubs close somewhere around 4-5 in the morning). Donโ€™t worry, not all bars are like that. We have many metal/rock/punk bars like Club Underworld, Fire Club, Private Hell Club, and many more.
We also have some gay bars like Thors Hammer Gay Bar. For more info on gay bars I think you should contact Asociatia Accept and Queero.
Many metal/rock/punk bars closed, others opened and Iโ€™m not up to date anymore with whatโ€™s on trend right now. Many gay bars also closed, others opened.
A good place to go for beer lovers is La 100 de Beri bar, which gives you the opportunity to taste hundreds of beers from all over the world. When all bars close, be sure to keep drinking at OktoberFest Pub.
For those into electronic music, we have a lot to offer! Many amazing clubs in Bucharest, but also some of the best festivals in Europe!
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The series “Discover Romania” will continue to be updated. Also, two new parts will come: Important Romanian personalities & Romanian Music Legends.

Don’t forget. If you’re Romanian, help me make these lists bigger and better.

Thanks and enjoy!

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