Michael Jackson: The modern prophet


Yes, a modern prophet, whose message was simple and clear: Heal the World!

Man, this man has changed the World almost as much as Jesus, but not at a level of Faith but at a spiritual, emotional level. He has touched and changed so many souls. With the attention and power he had over the (enormously numerous) public he could’ve changed the World a lot. Just look how much influence he had over those people! And he used all of his influence beautifully, in good intentions and aims. What a wonderful man!

604Sonnelion, the one at the comments, is me.


Da, un profet modern, al carui mesaj a fost simplu si clar: Heal The World!

Frate, omul asta a schimbat lumea aproape la fel de mult ca Iisus si nu la nivel de credinta ci la nivel sufletesc. A atins atatea suflete si le-a schimbat. Cu atentia si puterea pe care o avea asupra publicului (enorm de numeros) putea schimba foarte mult lumea. Uita-te si tu ce influenta avea asupra oamenilor!!! Si toate influenta lui a folosit-o frumos, in scopuri bune. Ce om minunat!

604Sonnelion, cel de la comentariile de la video sunt eu.

Watch the whole video

Ok, watch this too…


Ok, this too 🙂


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